What is the difference between the Operating Budget and Capital Budget?

    Operating Budgets include the regular activities and functions of the municipality. These items may be:

    • Building maintenance
    • Street sweeping
    • Employee wages
    • Curbside collection of garbage and recycling

    Capital Budgets include the approved infrastructure renewal of municipal assist. These items may be:

    • Road and sidewalk repairs
    • Facility improvements
    • Equipment replacement
    • Water infrastructure upgrades

    What is a municipal budget?

    Each year, the City of Lloydminster develops a budget that accounts for anticipated expenses and revenues and allocates funds to meet the needs of the municipality. Once approved by Lloydminster City Council, Administration uses the budget as a benchmark to control the fiscal operations of the municipality.

    Who decides what the budget priorities are?

    Budget priorities are determined by City Council's Strategic Plan, which includes a detailed list of long-term and short-term objectives for the municipality.