Your City, Your Dollar: 2023 Budget Engagement

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Between June 13 and August 8, 2022, the City of lloydminster sought feedback from residents through an interactive online survey. Based on the 2022 residential mill rate, survey participants were able to:

  • add their 2022 property assessment value to see how increasing or decreasing service levels could affect potential 2023 taxation rates;
  • draft, edit and submit a budget and compare against anonymous submissions; and
  • engage with other respondents through the feedback left on responses

This year's budget survey also included a trails and sidewalks component. As the City of Lloydminster plans the improvement of Lloydminster’s trail and sidewalks network in 2023, resident feedback will impact how this work is completed.

Ultimately, it is City Council’s decision to approve the municipal budget that outlines the service requirements of the city. The budgetary process is repeated annually to ensure services are adequately met and that the community’s voice is heard and considered. Thank you for submitting your vote to be able to influence City Council’s decision! Come back to this page to view the What We Heard Report that summarizes the 2023 Budget Survey findings.

What is the municipal budget?

The municipal budget prioritizes projects, programs and service levels based on anticipated revenues and expenses for the next calendar year. Essentially, the budget is a carefully prepared document to which outlines spending allowances while ensuring there are adequate funds available to support the municipal services for the community.

How to fund the prioritized projects, programs and service levels is a challenging task that requires consideration of several factors, including the impact to ratepayers, the development of fair and equitable user fees and the evaluation of reserve balances. As outlined in the Lloydminster Charter, any shortfall of revenues at the end of the calendar year must be covered by a draw from reserves as the City must present a balanced budget.

How are services funded?

Pre-planning the sources of revenue ensures there are no interruptions in service delivery for the community. Grant opportunities are maximized to reduce the dependence on the ratepayer. Similarly, user fees capture revenue from the individuals and organizations that use City amenities. Whereas, municipal taxes fund general operations that benefit the entire community as a whole.

The municipal taxes fund essential services discussed throughout this Your City, Your Dollar survey, such as transportation, recreation and other municipal services. Educational taxes are established by the provincial governments (Alberta and Saskatchewan) to support public and catholic school operations. The seamless educational taxes are unique to Lloydminster and enable both school divisions to offer Alberta and Saskatchewan students the same curriculum and a seamless experience.

Learn more about how your taxes are broken down on this year's Tax Notice graphic.


Between June 13 and August 8, 2022, the City of lloydminster sought feedback from residents through an interactive online survey. Based on the 2022 residential mill rate, survey participants were able to:

  • add their 2022 property assessment value to see how increasing or decreasing service levels could affect potential 2023 taxation rates;
  • draft, edit and submit a budget and compare against anonymous submissions; and
  • engage with other respondents through the feedback left on responses

This year's budget survey also included a trails and sidewalks component. As the City of Lloydminster plans the improvement of Lloydminster’s trail and sidewalks network in 2023, resident feedback will impact how this work is completed.

Ultimately, it is City Council’s decision to approve the municipal budget that outlines the service requirements of the city. The budgetary process is repeated annually to ensure services are adequately met and that the community’s voice is heard and considered. Thank you for submitting your vote to be able to influence City Council’s decision! Come back to this page to view the What We Heard Report that summarizes the 2023 Budget Survey findings.

What is the municipal budget?

The municipal budget prioritizes projects, programs and service levels based on anticipated revenues and expenses for the next calendar year. Essentially, the budget is a carefully prepared document to which outlines spending allowances while ensuring there are adequate funds available to support the municipal services for the community.

How to fund the prioritized projects, programs and service levels is a challenging task that requires consideration of several factors, including the impact to ratepayers, the development of fair and equitable user fees and the evaluation of reserve balances. As outlined in the Lloydminster Charter, any shortfall of revenues at the end of the calendar year must be covered by a draw from reserves as the City must present a balanced budget.

How are services funded?

Pre-planning the sources of revenue ensures there are no interruptions in service delivery for the community. Grant opportunities are maximized to reduce the dependence on the ratepayer. Similarly, user fees capture revenue from the individuals and organizations that use City amenities. Whereas, municipal taxes fund general operations that benefit the entire community as a whole.

The municipal taxes fund essential services discussed throughout this Your City, Your Dollar survey, such as transportation, recreation and other municipal services. Educational taxes are established by the provincial governments (Alberta and Saskatchewan) to support public and catholic school operations. The seamless educational taxes are unique to Lloydminster and enable both school divisions to offer Alberta and Saskatchewan students the same curriculum and a seamless experience.

Learn more about how your taxes are broken down on this year's Tax Notice graphic.

Municipal Budget Questions

If you have any questions about the budget process, please ask them here.

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  • Share Would the budget happen to include a bike path along 52st? Not having one causes a real disconnect between the north end and the rest of the city. It would be nice to be able to ride bike to pick up a few things instead of driving. Riding bike 52nd is not a safe alternative. on Facebook Share Would the budget happen to include a bike path along 52st? Not having one causes a real disconnect between the north end and the rest of the city. It would be nice to be able to ride bike to pick up a few things instead of driving. Riding bike 52nd is not a safe alternative. on Twitter Share Would the budget happen to include a bike path along 52st? Not having one causes a real disconnect between the north end and the rest of the city. It would be nice to be able to ride bike to pick up a few things instead of driving. Riding bike 52nd is not a safe alternative. on Linkedin Email Would the budget happen to include a bike path along 52st? Not having one causes a real disconnect between the north end and the rest of the city. It would be nice to be able to ride bike to pick up a few things instead of driving. Riding bike 52nd is not a safe alternative. link

    Would the budget happen to include a bike path along 52st? Not having one causes a real disconnect between the north end and the rest of the city. It would be nice to be able to ride bike to pick up a few things instead of driving. Riding bike 52nd is not a safe alternative.

    J’Zee asked over 2 years ago


    Thank you for your question. At this time there has been no budget set aside for a walking trail along 52 Street between 50 Avenue and 62 Avenue. Administration has identified this project as a need through the completion of the Trails and Sidewalk Master Plan, however are also faced with a very complex problem of where to put the infrastructure that promotes safe usage while paying homage to the adjacent land uses, i.e., active refinery on one side and an active rail corridor on the other. This is a project that Administration continues to investigate with the hopes of determining a safe feasible alignment at which time a budget ask will be put forward to City Council. 

Page last updated: 23 Nov 2022, 10:46 AM