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Thank you for showing interest in the 2019 Your City, Your Dollar Municipal Budget campaign.
For more information on the accepted budget please visit
What is a municipal budget?
Each year, the City of Lloydminster develops a budget that accounts for anticipated expenses and revenues and allocates funds to meet the needs of the municipality. Once approved by Lloydminster City Council, Administration uses the budget as a benchmark to control the fiscal operations of the municipality.
Budget priorities are guided by City Council's Strategic Plan, which includes a detailed list of long-term and short-term objectives for the municipality. Furthermore, the budget is comprised of two sections: the operating budget and capital budget.
Operating Budget
The Operating Budget is established to fund the regular activities and functions of the municipality. These projects include:
Building maintenance
Street sweeping
Employee wages
Garbage collection
Capital Budget
The Capital Budget includes approved infrastructure renewal projects. These projects may include:
Road and sidewalk repairs
Facility improvements
Equipment replacement
Water infrastructure upgrades
The 2019 municipal budget process began with public engagement. The City used a variety of public events and an online survey to gather public input. The What We Heard Reportcontains the results and themes that were heard during the public engagement sessions.
Each year, the City of Lloydminster develops a budget that accounts for anticipated expenses and revenues and allocates funds to meet the needs of the municipality. Once approved by Lloydminster City Council, Administration uses the budget as a benchmark to control the fiscal operations of the municipality.
Budget priorities are guided by City Council's Strategic Plan, which includes a detailed list of long-term and short-term objectives for the municipality. Furthermore, the budget is comprised of two sections: the operating budget and capital budget.
Operating Budget
The Operating Budget is established to fund the regular activities and functions of the municipality. These projects include:
Building maintenance
Street sweeping
Employee wages
Garbage collection
Capital Budget
The Capital Budget includes approved infrastructure renewal projects. These projects may include:
Road and sidewalk repairs
Facility improvements
Equipment replacement
Water infrastructure upgrades
The 2019 municipal budget process began with public engagement. The City used a variety of public events and an online survey to gather public input. The What We Heard Reportcontains the results and themes that were heard during the public engagement sessions.
As your Lloydminster City Council and Administration work to create a rounded and responsible municipal budget for 2019, they need to have best-possible understanding of our community's needs and expectations. The information you share through this survey will be provided to members of Council and City Administration as they prepare the upcoming budget.
Thank you for showing interest in the 2019 Your City, Your Dollar Municipal Budget campaign.
For more information on the accepted budget please visit
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Budget Timeline
Budget Engagement
Your City, Your Dollar- 2019 Municipal Budget has finished this stage
We actively seeked feedback on budget priorities and satisfaction of service levels through public engagement events and surveys.
Gathering Information
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Administration reviewed and analyzing the feedback you provided through the survey and open house events. As well as the budget asks from each department. These findings will be brought forward to the November 19 GPC Meeting.
Thank you to everyone who participated in the 2019 Budget engagement opportunities, your feedback is greatly appreciated.
Council's Decision
Your City, Your Dollar- 2019 Municipal Budget has finished this stage
The report and findings have been presented to Council as information in the GPC Meeting and then for a decision at the following Council Meetings:
- Governance and Priorities Committee (GPC) Meeting- November 19, 1:30 pm - Regular City Council Meeting- November 26, 1:30 pm
Final Report
Your City, Your Dollar- 2019 Municipal Budget has finished this stage