2025 Budget Engagement

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Engage Today. Shape Tomorrow.


Hello, and thank you for taking the time to complete this short survey.

Looking after Lloydminster’s finances is, in some ways, much the same as looking after the finances in your home or business. As your local government, we must carefully balance our revenues and expenses, making difficult decisions about what is critical for the community, what we can afford now, and what must wait for another time.

We must constantly take stock of how we are operating, which means assessing where improvements are needed, what practices are working, and which are not. We must look to the future, estimating our most important needs and making solid financial plans to meet them.

This year’s budget survey includes a few questions about City services and infrastructure with potential to impact the City’s finances in 2025 and beyond.

In the questions below, we have included each service area’s operating and capital budgets for the 2023 budget year. This is to provide a frame of reference for the cost of these services.


Operating budgets are for day-to-day expenses to keep the City’s operations running. They include expenditures and revenues such as salaries, maintenance contracts and office expenses.

Capital budgets are long-term and reflect an investment in the future of the city. They include the costs construction, major repair, replacement and renewal of assets such as roads, bridges, buildings, equipment and technology.

Engage Today. Shape Tomorrow.


Hello, and thank you for taking the time to complete this short survey.

Looking after Lloydminster’s finances is, in some ways, much the same as looking after the finances in your home or business. As your local government, we must carefully balance our revenues and expenses, making difficult decisions about what is critical for the community, what we can afford now, and what must wait for another time.

We must constantly take stock of how we are operating, which means assessing where improvements are needed, what practices are working, and which are not. We must look to the future, estimating our most important needs and making solid financial plans to meet them.

This year’s budget survey includes a few questions about City services and infrastructure with potential to impact the City’s finances in 2025 and beyond.

In the questions below, we have included each service area’s operating and capital budgets for the 2023 budget year. This is to provide a frame of reference for the cost of these services.


Operating budgets are for day-to-day expenses to keep the City’s operations running. They include expenditures and revenues such as salaries, maintenance contracts and office expenses.

Capital budgets are long-term and reflect an investment in the future of the city. They include the costs construction, major repair, replacement and renewal of assets such as roads, bridges, buildings, equipment and technology.


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  • Share Any chance lloydminster is going to reopen and redevelopment of the airport for some commercial flights and having public transit system on Facebook Share Any chance lloydminster is going to reopen and redevelopment of the airport for some commercial flights and having public transit system on Twitter Share Any chance lloydminster is going to reopen and redevelopment of the airport for some commercial flights and having public transit system on Linkedin Email Any chance lloydminster is going to reopen and redevelopment of the airport for some commercial flights and having public transit system link

    Any chance lloydminster is going to reopen and redevelopment of the airport for some commercial flights and having public transit system

    Jonathan asked 5 months ago

    Hi Jonathan,

    Since these are two different projects than the Budget 2025, they are listed on other pages on this website at YourVoiceLloyd.ca/CommAir and YourVoiceLloyd.ca/PTM.

    However, prospective airlines are being met with in early fall to discuss options for travel and the public transportation master plan report is available on the city's website at lloydminster.ca/reports with a decision.

Page last updated: 08 Aug 2024, 04:15 PM