Municipal Annexation
What is annexation?
Annexation is a municipal boundary change to allow for future growth. In Alberta, annexations are regulated by the Municipal Government Board (MGB). The annexation process involves negotiations between local governments, public engagement with property owners, a formal review by the Municipal Government Board, and a decision by the Lieutenant Governor in Council.
Annexation does not change ownership rights, nor does it necessarily initiate immediate development.
Is there a need for annexation?
As a growing and vibrant community, Lloydminster’s residential land supply is depleting, and commercial and industrial stakeholders will face increasing demands to ensure land is available to support future development. Industrial and commercial development support a viable tax base to fund City infrastructure, facilities and services to support residential growth.
Where is the proposed annexation area?
The proposed annexation area includes 23.5 quarter sections of land within the Intermunicipal Development Plan (IDP) area. These lands have not yet been approved by the municipal councils or the provincial government.
Download the proposed annexation area map here.
What does this mean for residents, businesses and owners?
Residents, businesses and property owners within the annexation area should consider how the jurisdictional change in the following municipal services may impact them:
- water/wastewater
- garbage disposal
- emergency services
- animal control
- permits
- land use
- addresses and land locations
- etc
Transition Plan
The purpose of the Annexation Transition Plan (A.T.P.) is to present services and issues that would be addressed during the proposed annexation process. These issues were identified during the stakeholder engagements on the proposed annexation. Additionally, this Plan is intended as a communication tool to landowners who will be impacted by the proposed annexation, as well as interested members of the public.
Annexation Application
In October of 2020, the City of Lloydminster submitted the official Annexation Application. For more information, view the application in the Document Library on the right column.
*Please note due to file size, this application has been divided into four individual documents.
Get involved
The City of Lloydminster is committed to an open and communicative annexation process.
If you have any questions regarding the proposed annexation please share your voice through the Q/A tool below or contact the municipal representative on the who's listening side field.
In mid-late 2019 the County of Vermilion River and City of Lloydminster co-hosted public engagement opportunities for area residents and stakeholders. Learn more about these findings on the What We Heard Report.
The MGB has scheduled a virtual preliminary hearing for the County of Vermilion River/ Lloydminster annexation on February 25, 2021. Learn more about how you can get involved.
Thank you for showing interest in the current annexation process, we look forward to growing together for the future of our region.