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The City of Lloydminster proudly supports both indoor and outdoor seasonal recreational opportunities and facilities. Through the Outdoor Sporting Complex Study (OSCS) we aim to set the future vision and development for the Driven Energy Legion Ball Park (4002 44 Street) and VLA Soccer Fields (4201 49 Street). This study will include a thorough review of the existing sporting fields, surrounding spaces, infrastructure and programming opportunities of the project site and will provide recommendations on expansion, redevelopment, maintenance and enhanced services over the next 10 to 15 years.
Currently, the Driven Energy Legion Ball Diamond site consists of six diamonds, associated infrastructure/facilities, outbuildings, group storage structures, maintenance grounds, walking trails and a playground. Where as the VLA Soccer Field site includes three full-size soccer fields and user group storage structures. Presently, the two facilities operate independently, but do have minor connections via pedestrian access. A goal of this project is to create a unified site for everyone to enjoy.
Public Engagement
Throughout the project, the City of Lloydminster will engage with internal stakeholders, external stakeholders and residents of Lloydminster. The insights and feedback collected throughout this project will help shape the future growth and redevelopment for the project area.
A public survey was available until April 13, 2023 online or via paper surveys. Stay tuned for the What we Heard Report.
The City of Lloydminster proudly supports both indoor and outdoor seasonal recreational opportunities and facilities. Through the Outdoor Sporting Complex Study (OSCS) we aim to set the future vision and development for the Driven Energy Legion Ball Park (4002 44 Street) and VLA Soccer Fields (4201 49 Street). This study will include a thorough review of the existing sporting fields, surrounding spaces, infrastructure and programming opportunities of the project site and will provide recommendations on expansion, redevelopment, maintenance and enhanced services over the next 10 to 15 years.
Currently, the Driven Energy Legion Ball Diamond site consists of six diamonds, associated infrastructure/facilities, outbuildings, group storage structures, maintenance grounds, walking trails and a playground. Where as the VLA Soccer Field site includes three full-size soccer fields and user group storage structures. Presently, the two facilities operate independently, but do have minor connections via pedestrian access. A goal of this project is to create a unified site for everyone to enjoy.
Public Engagement
Throughout the project, the City of Lloydminster will engage with internal stakeholders, external stakeholders and residents of Lloydminster. The insights and feedback collected throughout this project will help shape the future growth and redevelopment for the project area.
A public survey was available until April 13, 2023 online or via paper surveys. Stay tuned for the What we Heard Report.
Share Could the city setup camping facilities for people out of town to bring campers close to the diamonds ?
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Could the city setup camping facilities for people out of town to bring campers close to the diamonds ?
almost 2 years ago
Hi Len,
Thanks for your comments, the City of Lloydminster is committed to creating a welcoming sporting complex for residents and visitors alike. Your suggested addition for the area has been included in the survey results for further consideration.