- when the City should consider public transportation,
- what kind of service (e.g. buses, on-demand),
- cost for implementation etc.,
- whether other cities of similar size been successful with implementing a public transportation system.
Will the Public Transportation Master Plan take the place of the Senior Taxi Program?
The Senior Taxi Program is an independent program that offers a subsidized taxi rate for individuals 65 years and older. As a separate project, the Public Transportation Master Plan will help determine the feasibility of a public transit system in the City. The Senior Taxi Program shall continue to be operational as its own program even after completion and adoption of the Public Transportation Master Plan.
What happened to the previous Transportation Master Plan? Why were some of the items implemented, but not all?
The City of Lloydminster (City) has not previously completed or adopted a ‘master plan’ regarding the topic or specifically relating to public transportation. In previous years, surveys (such as the 2013 Viability Survey) have been conducted as a means to collect data to gauge the public on their initial perception of public transportation but was not taken any further for feasibility analysis or needs assessment.
In 2016, the City did completed and adopted a Transportation Master Plan (TMP). This study addresses the Transportation Infrastructure as a whole system and provides direction and recommendations on potential capital projects that could benefit the City. A small component of this master plan was consideration around public transportation, but it was not the focus of the document. The TMP addressed areas in which the City could implement upgrades to existing infrastructure such as roadways, intersections, traffic signals, trails/sidewalks etc.
How long are master plans valid for?
Master plans set direction for current and future capital planning. These plans remain as guiding documents until a new one is completed and adopted by Council. On average these plans are updated approximately every 5 years.
Are we getting a public transportation system (i.e. buses)?
The Public Transportation Master Plan will help assess the feasibility of implementing a transit system in Lloydminster. Throughout the public engagement phases, residents are encouraged to share the voice. This data will help the City address factors such as: