Solid Waste Master Plan
Morrison Hershfield (MH) now Stantec is assisting the City of Lloydminster (City) with completing an Integrated Waste Management and Facility Master Plan (Master Plan), which will provide a comprehensive roadmap for solid waste management in the City for the next twenty years.
The City runs a three-stream residential curbside collection program offering curbside waste, organics, and recycling collection in addition to operating the City’s landfill. On average, the City diverts approximately 35% of the materials through recycling and organics diversion and landfills approximately 24,000 tonnes of garbage per year. Due to the rising landfill operating costs and potential future liability concerns, the City would like to explore alternatives for managing its waste.
The Master Plan is intended to provide a comprehensive roadmap for solid waste management in the City for the next twenty years. The City’s objectives for the Master Plan include;
Outlining a comprehensive waste management strategy that encompasses all stages of the waste management cycle, from generation to disposal/recycle/reuse/recovery.
Providing a sustainable financial framework and infrastructure development that establishes a financially sustainable structure to support ongoing waste activities and ensure long-term viability.
Being a primary document and guiding framework for all waste management-related plans, reports, assessments, and initiatives.
The Master Plan development will be carried out in two phases;
Phase 1: Waste Disposal Feasibility and Options Review
Phase 2: Waste Management Strategy and Infrastructure Plan