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The City of Lloydminster has started a project to update the Transportation Master Plan (TMP). The City's most recent TMP was compiled almost a decade ago in 2015. A TMP sets the direction for how the City will build, maintain and operate the different transportation options, including roads, sidewalks, trails and pathways. Since the TMP, several upgrades to the transportation infrastructure system have been made, including:
Annexation of approximately 23.5 quarter sections of land on the Alberta side of Lloydminster
Construction of various intersection and roadway improvements
Construction of various sidewalk trail connections through various capital projects
Establishment of both a Dangerous Goods and Truck Route
Various areas of community growth and area development
Upgrading of the TMP will help ensure system improvements are identified, the models and assumptions for current and future users are updated, and ways to improve overall network level of service are identified while keeping in mind the growth of Lloydminster.
The City of Lloydminster has started a project to update the Transportation Master Plan (TMP). The City's most recent TMP was compiled almost a decade ago in 2015. A TMP sets the direction for how the City will build, maintain and operate the different transportation options, including roads, sidewalks, trails and pathways. Since the TMP, several upgrades to the transportation infrastructure system have been made, including:
Annexation of approximately 23.5 quarter sections of land on the Alberta side of Lloydminster
Construction of various intersection and roadway improvements
Construction of various sidewalk trail connections through various capital projects
Establishment of both a Dangerous Goods and Truck Route
Various areas of community growth and area development
Upgrading of the TMP will help ensure system improvements are identified, the models and assumptions for current and future users are updated, and ways to improve overall network level of service are identified while keeping in mind the growth of Lloydminster.